Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cheering with Roo

Julie recently decided that she wanted to join cheerleading. With no money in the budget to do so, I thought to see if someone/several people, would be willing to sponsor Julie. Well, several people came through and now Julie is on the Panthers Cheer Squad. I don't know how it happened, but I was somehow roped into being a coach for the cheer squad. I am now officially a Junior Novice coach.
Joining the Tracy Panthers Cheerleading squad, has been a great blessing for me. I hesitate every day when I have to go, as I made the commitment, with a little push from Chris, I go and when I get there, I enjoy it!! I enjoy my small squad of three girls with one mascot. A mascot is the smallest division on our team, consisting of five to six year old. So, my little squad is perfect for me, and the girls are just awesome! They know what they are doing and amazingly can remember cheers that I still can't remember... their mind memory capacity is just incredible.
Well, with coaching of course, comes exercise... yep... I have lost a significant amount of weight! Its actually visible in photos...yeah!!! Several people have complimented on the weight loss as well as the incredible tan I have received. I am not sure of the actual pounds I've lost, but I know my muscles have increased too. I find myself with lots of energy and a great amount of spirit at games, camps and Jamborees...
Let me start first with Camp Jamz. My first official initiation to Cheer. One word sums it up... OUCH!!! Dancing in 100 degree heat from 8am to 3pm... wow. I came home and nearly collapsed!!! It was a lot of fun learning dance routines, learning more about cheering and stunting (which we don't have enough girls per squad to stunt this year). It was a great experience and the best part, is that my friend, Becki came out with her kids and cheered us!
Onto Jamboree, which was the following weekend. Let me first say that we had five days a week practice. Camp was on Sunday, Mon-Fri we had practice and Saturday we had Jamboree... I was BEAT!!! Jamboree was great, my friend Becki came to help me out with Grace since Chris had to work. Not knowing where to go once we got to the field in some little city in the middle of nowhere... was just a load of fun. Again 100 degree heat and walking around several fields whipped me into shape and out of energy.
Our football teams, all levels, have won each game, although our level of Junior Novice is not competitive. We are great teams and the boys work very hard, and the girls are cheering them on.
Our first game, which was an hour way, again in 100 degree heat, was pretty good for only have three girls make it! One was out sick, one was complaining of the heat and poor Julie had a bout with her allergies.
Julie is very great at cheer and always has spirit. She seldom complains (only when she cant breathe or is dire need of liquid), and it has been great for her to work on a team. She loves cheering, and loves the dancing at halftime. She catches on quick and is LOVING the tumbling. She is learning handstands, cartwheels, round offs, front walkovers and back walkovers. Our league, TVYFL, does not allow flips or stunting above shoulders, so its perfect for Julie and I who are just starting this and its all new to us.
Well, in the photo above, you can see the weight loss, :) and you can see the tan I've been getting :)
If I wasn't sweating a pound a minute, I would have worn makeup, but I knew it would melt off. Once the cooler weather hits, makeup will be out. I did Julies make up last game, but it melted off, so I thought just sunblock and dusting of shadow on eyes and lip gloss with SPF. I have to protect my little girl!!
Well, its off to bed... or rather back to bed... as I've been having insomnia lately, and only get a few hours of sleep throughout the night.
Up next... my interview and outcome for working at America's Department Store, MACY's!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reality TV can be knowledgable!

During my Insomnia bouts at night, I turn on my cell or tv to find something boring to watch to lull me back to sleep. As I was flipping through my television guide, I found a show... Kimora, Life in the Fab Lane. I chose this show out of sheer boredom. I actually learned something from this show. Did you know that you cannot have a 53 ft. trailer in Beverly Hills without a permit?? Neither did they! So, I got to thinking... I wonder if I can something knowledgable in all Reality Television. So, I decided to take on this challenge. To find a bit of knowledge in things I watch throughtout my week. Maybe even tune into a different Reality Show and find something educational. So, this week was Kimora. She was kind hearted and gave to charity. Some people think she can be demanding... and yes, she can be, but then again, how can you not be when you are CEO of a multi million dollar company, have a family of 5 (containing two girls who are 7 & 8, a newborn baby boy and a movie star husband). She is self proclaimed Fabulous, and why not. She came from nothing and worked her way to where to she is. We all have some OCD issues, and we all certain likes and dislikes... it just most of us were not raised in a city where you are taught to take off your earrings when you fight... another piece of knowledge I learned in case I am to ever be in a fight!

Well, Tonights tv includes Ghost Hunters International, where I learned that the book, movie and musical of Sweeney Todd was based off an actual Inn in England! In the Hollywood version its a barber who kills people for meat pies. He kills them and the chair opens up to a shute to the lower floor where they "butchered" for meat pies. In the live version, an Inn Keeper would get rich patrons drunk and lure them to a bedroom upstairs where the bed would have a sliding bottom and the bodies would drop down to a hot oil vat. The Inn Keeper would keep all the money and riches the patron had on them. This Inn Keeper had killed they say about 60 people. Evidence of Paranormal activity was inconclusive, as there were personal experiences but nothing on camera... except a few EVP's. The ghost hunters don't like to say a place is haunted unless they have absolute evidence to proove it. So, its quite interesting.

So... off till tomorrow! If anyone has any information on some reality shows, please email me, or message me and I can watch them and list what knowledgable information we can get! Its all about the educational aspect of Reality TV.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to Move On

Well, its just been announced... its time to move on!

Chris and are sad to go, but we will be moving from our beloved home here on Hickory in the next 2 to 6 months. Circumstances have come up and now our days here are limited.

We are not moving far. We are looking for houses in our area... more square footage is needed and we are hoping to find a place within the George Kelly Elementary area. This way we can be close to our friends.

Also on the horizon *very near* we are going to get a four door box on wheels. We are not sure if we are going to fix up the Ghetto Mobile or if we are going to go with a newer addition. We are not sure what the plans are exactly, but we will keep you posted.

Also, on the fore front we are planning a possible get away. Not sure where yet, we're thinking a visit to play with Jayden... ie...Disneyland! Not sure yet if we are going to be able to work it... but, we will see.

Oh, and lets not forget the dreaded Bday is drawing close. I am begining to dread that darned Groundhog! Six more weeks of winter, thats not the concern,... its the fact that I am another year older and I have to remember I'm not in my 20's anylonger!!

Well, I know its been a while since i've blogged, but lately I've been so busy with work!! I'll try to update my blogs sooner....

Je' taime.